Monday, February 20, 2012

Breast is Best

recently i was questioned on my breastfeeding, whether i was producing enough, why my son was feeding all the time, and people saying that he looks too skinny. i started getting down on myself. i was sure i was doing everything right but when questioned i became really upset because i felt like i could not provide properly for my child. i spent several hours on and i talked to the lactation specialist in our area (who was extremely nice and helpful). it turns out “breast is best”. my baby is putting on the pounds, i am producing plenty, and doing everything that i am supposed to be doing. 

after many late night evenings of research I learned that gatorade helps you to produce more milk. 

i also learned this great storage tip for freezing and storing your breast milk:

use a regular gift bag and breast milk storage bags to store and retrieve your frozen breast milk.
cut a slit on the side of the gift bag just high enough where a frozen breast milk bag can be pulled out. it acts as a dispenser allowing you to use the older milk first.

make sure you lay your milk flat inside the bag.
the best part is, the milk is stored flat for fast defrosting.
i had to trim my bag down because my freezer is short on space :-)

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