I started writing this blog today in an upset and negative tone. The last three days have been really tough. But I am going to change my mood to be… “the glass is half full” so, instead this is a thank you to my mom, cousin, and friends who are moms. Just when I think I cannot take it, you have had the most encouraging things to tell me. You reassure me that this is normal and things will be okay. Julian is going though his no napping phase again and when he does fall asleep he wakes up 10-15 minuets later screaming his head off. I swear he doesn’t like me or is punishing me. Nothing seems to sooth him but being held. And to top it off he had his first tear which made me tear… we are all so emotional at my house.
My cousin came over today to save the day. She gave me a much-needed break so I could have some alone time a.k.a non-screaming baby time. She made me leave the house so I decided to go to Target. While at Target I invested in new bottles/nipples and pacifiers. We need to find ones that work so maybe he will stop screaming at me. My cousin is such a great support system. When shopping at Target she texted me a photo of Julian, she always knows the right things to say and do to make me feel better. I love knowing that he is in great hands when he is with her.
I know things will get better and that this is only a phase… I have so much to be grateful for but man am I burnt out! Tomorrow is a new day so lets hope he gets some good rest, wakes up refreshed, and not cranky! I know I feel much better after writing this and eating a whole row of Mint Crème Middles… yum!
Costume update: Sean's good vs. evil costume. If you look closely he has a devil horn on one side and a angel wing on the other side.
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