I made a plan to bring healthy back starting in April so here we go...
I put together a grocery list and meal plan last night. I went to Trader Joe's this morning and stocked up on all kinds of good and healthy food. I spent more money then normal but I had not gone grocery shopping in a while. I had to buy a new TJ's bag because there was no way all the food was going to fit in my normal bags.

When I got home from the store I fed the baby and worked on prepping all the food. I planned to divide all the food so it is easy to grab on the go. I washed all the fruit and veggies. I did all of this so there would be no excuses to not eat healthy. It took a while but there are lunches and snacks for the week. I love it when I have a full fridge and a meal plan in place.

Julian slept in the Ergo while I was preparing all the food. It was perfect timing. Today he has been in such a great mood, it is a complete 180 compared to last week. We received a surprise package in the mail, a family friend sent Julian a super cute outfit.
I also want to kick up my working out. I was going to stroller strides two days a week and walking three days a week. I want to try and increase my working out as long as Julian cooperates. When working out I am going to push myself harder and make my workouts count!
Happy Monday!
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