Sunday, April 1, 2012

Growth Spurts are No Bueno!

This week has been a tough one. Julian started going through a growth spurt. At first I did not know what was going on. He would start nursing and then start screaming it was so strange. I was having the hardest time getting him latched on and staying latched on. I called our local breast feeding support group, they said that everything I am describing is a growth spurt. This lasted about 4 days and was very frustrating. Thank goodness my mom was coming over for the weekend, I needed the extra help. I think this growth spurt has passed because today he has been a very happy baby.
He still will not take a pacifier but he loves to suck his hands and arms. This week he gave himself a hicky on his arm. I wish I would have taken a photo of it. Random side note, my son is such a boy... he will go number two and then have the biggest smile, it cracks me up every time.

I made mexican stuffed shells again, this time I added onion to the meat. This is so not healthy but oh so good!   
 <--------  Before the cheese
               After the cheese  -------->

The day after making these I decided that I need to start eating healthier so I went out and bought a bunch of fruit and veggies. I want to starting making smoothies. Here is the first one I made. I am so glad that strawberries are in season. I am trying to do more meal planning so I will make healthier choices.

It was so nice having my mom here. We were able to do some crafts. I made her a chalkboard that says "more days until" and I decorated it for her :-)~

Spring flowers from my mom

I also made a birth announcement pillow

Julian got two new hats this week, here are some photos of them:
My next experiment is to mail Easter eggs... let's hope they make it there in one piece. 
This is what Grumpy boys look like when they wake up from naps. 

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