Saturday, February 25, 2012

Over the river…

♪ Over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house we go 
More like; down the 15 in the carpool lane to G-Ma’s house we go. We made our first trip to San Diego and had our first slumber party at my parent’s house this weekend.
We stopped by my moms work to surprise her with flowers and so she could have her proud grandma moment and share Julian with her coworkers.

We were also able to check out the cool helicopters.
The main reason for our trip to San Diego was to Celebrate my Grandma and Julian’s Great Grandmas 91st birthday. My Grandma does not leave her house as often, so this was her first time meeting Julian. It was such a special day, just to see my Grandma light up when she saw him for the first time. I am so glad that she got to meet him and that we got to share her birthday with her. 

My Grandma is my hero.
Julian having fun with Grandpa and Grandma 
 After playing hard with Grandpa and Grandma
Look at all the shenanigans we had to bring for just one night. So much stuff for such a small person.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Nap time is CRAFT time!

I started Stroller Strides this week and I am already super sore but no pain no gain! I am loving getting out of the house and meeting new mommies. 
Julian ready to go to class
While chatting with a mom she said, “nap time is the new happy hour.” I thought that this was too funny. My version is “Nap time is CRAFT time!”
Julian napping
I am starting to get my house ready for Easter. We are having our families over this year and I want everything to be perfect! I started a couple projects earlier in the week.

Gumball Machine 
I choose to paint this white so I could change the ribbon to go with each holiday. 

Peep Garland 


Wednesday, February 22, 2012


My parents recently brought me my old New Kids On The Block box. I knew that I had my childhood books in there. It was a total score!
I found the following:
Army ant
Mad lips
Mad magazines
Barbie magazines
Barbie comic books
Brownie Girl Scout Handbook
Brain Qwest trivia cards
My baby book
And all kinds of other fun books!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Breast is Best

recently i was questioned on my breastfeeding, whether i was producing enough, why my son was feeding all the time, and people saying that he looks too skinny. i started getting down on myself. i was sure i was doing everything right but when questioned i became really upset because i felt like i could not provide properly for my child. i spent several hours on and i talked to the lactation specialist in our area (who was extremely nice and helpful). it turns out “breast is best”. my baby is putting on the pounds, i am producing plenty, and doing everything that i am supposed to be doing. 

after many late night evenings of research I learned that gatorade helps you to produce more milk. 

i also learned this great storage tip for freezing and storing your breast milk:

use a regular gift bag and breast milk storage bags to store and retrieve your frozen breast milk.
cut a slit on the side of the gift bag just high enough where a frozen breast milk bag can be pulled out. it acts as a dispenser allowing you to use the older milk first.

make sure you lay your milk flat inside the bag.
the best part is, the milk is stored flat for fast defrosting.
i had to trim my bag down because my freezer is short on space :-)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Six weeks

my baby is officially six weeks old tomorrow. i have my post partum doctors appointment in the morning and my mom is going to watch julian while i am there, (this is also my first time leaving him alone with someone). i am excited to see my doctor and nervous to get on the scale but hopefully everything will go smoothly.

we have had a productive week. i made two new recipes from pinterest
both were perfect for the rainy days that we had. i started watching brothers & sisters on netflix and i am hooked.

over the weekend abdiel watched julian while mommy went to target, dollar tree, and joanns. i am fully stocked up to get my craft on! i have plenty of projects that i cannot wait to start (i did start a couple things, more pictures will be posted when they are completed). 
dad gave julian his first bottle he said that it was a little rough but eventually he caught on.
i booked my plane ticket to the bahamas and bought new running shoes. i am eager to use my new shoes to get in shape for my trip…

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day! 

Here goes my first blog post…

Today was a successful day. We slept in and did not get out of bed until after 10:30am. I woke up to a happy and smiley baby. It was a great way to start my day. Julian and I had our first outing without Dad. We went and got Julian weighed, he is now up to 8 pounds and 4 ounces (fully clothed) and 21 inches long.

From there we ventured to Trader Joes. It was a great experience. I used my Ergo in public for the first time.  While checking out my bagger asked how old my baby was. I responded saying that he was a month old. Come to find out, the baggers wife had their son the same night Julian was born and in the same hospital. He also mentioned that I looked familiar and that he was pretty sure he rode the elevator with us at the hospital. What a small world! 

My Trader Joe Favorites

On my way home from TJ’s I hit up happy hour at Sonic. Crazy Mom on the loose! I love their cherry limeade and it does not leave you with a hang over :-) When I got home the photo books I ordered were waiting on my doorstep. 

Then I took a couple photos of Julian's on his first Valentines Day.

While the baby napped I made caramel brownies in the shape of hearts for Valentines Day, I love hearts <3 too bad the caramel made them look a little funky... but they tasted delish! 

And for dinner we had heart shaped pizza. The husband was pleasantly surprised.

 Let's hope tomorrow goes as smoothly as today...