Monday, September 9, 2013

Julian goes to Julian

Julian and his homie Anthony
Seriously I feel like I live in Julian's Nuthouse lately. He has started terrible two's and it is no joke!
This was Julian's first time to Julian. Overall, it was a great trip. He was happy in the car looking at all the cows along the way and saying "moo-moo". However; Breakfast was not as fun. He was restless, wanted to scream, wiggle, and run amuck! It was a true team parenting baby wrangling experience. After breakfast we went apple picking. This by far was my favorite part of our trip. Julian loved picking and eating the apples. It was a fun place to take a toddler. There were not too many people and he could run, get dirty, scream, and just have fun! I was hoping he would sleep on the drive home and he did for 20 minutes… that is all he slept for the whole day. That evening was not pretty and he was in bed right at 7:00pm. Mom needed a break and a glass of wine (actually a whole bottle but who’s counting).

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Back to blogging...

Today was a good day. Julian was in a great mood and well behaved all day. Even at my dermatology appointment in the waiting area for an hour. 

I have been getting a lot of questions from my friends about healthy food lately. Here is one of my favorite recipes that I had for lunch today. Everything is from Trader Joe's. Corn tortillas, black beans mixed with edamame, cilantro lime dressing (2tbsp), avocado (1/4), and feta cheese. So yummy and filling.
Then for dinner we had BBQ Chicken Salad. I added in left over edamame and black beans, cucumber, avocado, granny smith apple, and feta cheese. I have been getting super board with regular water so I have been having "fancy water" with dinner. Mineral water with fruit. 
At nap time I started reading my Tom Petty book. I love, love, love Tom Petty. I wanted to get back into reading again and decided instead of buying a new book I should read something on my self that I have not read. I am so glad I picked this one. He is my favorite and after only reading a couple pages I was hooked. Enjoyed with iced coffee :-)

We worked on our pumpkin patch today. Right now the Kandy Korn's are in the lead with the Big Max's in second. My poor heirlooms with not sprout but I am hoping that tonight is the night, since it is a full moon.
I am working on becoming a pilates instructor. I am about 200 hours into my 500 hour training. I have started setting goals on what I want to accomplish on my journey. This is super embarrassing but I have been working really hard on my pilates and yoga. I wanted to take progress pictures so here is my first picture... nice PJ's Hun?? French Bulldog shorts woot woot!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Feasting

So much to be thankful for...

18 Miles... Oh My!

Today was the day. I was going to run 18 miles. I could not sleep last night, I had horrible anxiety. I had trouble relaxing, I kept getting up to pee. I was worried. The time was changing. I was loosing sleep, sleep that I needed. Would I be able to do it? Running 16 miles was horrible, how was I going to run two more then that?
We meet 6:30 am. Got out of our cars. We were more quiet than normal. We packed on our gear and then hit the pavement. Finally, Sarah broke the silence with saying she was having anxiety too... thank goodness! I was freaking out on the inside! We talked through it. We could do this. We agreed not to talk about the mileage until we were half way. Things were going good. We came across a bicycle race that was in town. Which was fun to watch the bicyclers getting ready. We crossed their start line. We were doing a new route, and I had planned it. Around mile 3-4 our road dead ended because of construction (ummm.... you think mapmyrun or runkeeper would know this) so we decided to keep going. We would just run in the dirt. But it rained this week and it was not dirt, it was serious thick mud. I almost lost my shoe. I tired to see if we could have crossed this path but there was no way possible. We had to re-route. My feet were covered in mud. 

We ran on... and on. And I came home to smooshy face on the window :-)

December 25th 2012

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Big day... we have a walker

I must not have hit publish after writing this... 

February 7th, 2013 
Today has been a great day. Julian was in a fabulous mood. We stayed in our PJ's and lounged around the house. Julian officially started walking today. I was hanging up Valentine's Day decorations and I turned around and Julian walked across the living room. I was so unprepared, I did not get pictures or video :-(

We went to the store in our PJs and got supplies for root beer floats (the healthy version of root beer floats {diet root beer and dryers slow turned/no sugar added ice cream) and teddy grams (for baby boo).  

Friday, February 15, 2013

I have never been more in love...

As I lay on the concrete in 80 degree weather and watch my son play I realize I have never been more in love. He is walking around the backyard and playing with sticks. He is smiling, talking, and just having a great time. I feel truly blessed; so much, it brings tears to my eyes. It really is the simple things in life!