Monday, March 26, 2012

Our busy week

I have been slacking on writing my blog. We had quite a busy week. Abdiel took Monday off and we did a family day trip to Tom's Farms in Corona. It was Julian's first trip in Daddy's truck. 
Julian really loves holding onto peoples hands right now, it is so sweet. 
When I first saw these birds I thought that they were really cool looking. I had never seen a black bird with yellow and orange wings. These birds were insane! They came right up to our food while we were eating. They had no shame and were extremely brave. The whole time we were eating we were guarding our food from the birds, it was crazy. 
If you look closely Julian is holding his dad's pinky while drinking his bottle. I love moments like this. 
On our way home with treats :-)
On Wednesday Julian had his two month check up. He now weighs 8 pounds 12 ounces. He got his shots and he cried... it was horrible. I had never heard him cry in pain, it broke my heart. After the doctors we went to the movies and saw The Lorax. It was such a good movie and Julian seemed to enjoy it. He sat quietly watching it for the first hour and then he fead for the last 30 minuets. It was a successful movie trip. That evening I tried a new recipe from pinterest it turned out really good. 

Later in the week we meet up with our friends Olivia and Adrian at the lake. 
Julian slept in his stroller while we feed the ducks and walked the lake. This was the day that Julian slept for 3 hours and 45 minuets. It was amazing!

Over the weekend we visited our cousins. While we ate dinner the kids watched TV. It is so cute how much Alyssa likes Julian, she always asks about him.
Peeps are taking over my house. 
Quilt top I put together today. I love cupcake fabric it is my fav! The pattern is called Take 5 or Teachers Pet.
There will be more to come later this week...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I went to our local cupcakery (The Cake Cottage) after seeing there posting on facebook. They were selling green velvet cupcakes in honor of Saint Patrick’s Day. This was my Friday night delight and I also had my first glass of wine. The wine was left over from my baby shower… I just had half a glass and I could feel the effects.
On Saturday while Julian and Dad napped (we had a rough night the night before) I worked on my sister-in-law Alex’s sweet sixteen gift. We wanted to give her cash so she could get what she wanted but I wanted to give it to her in a fun way. I took some two-dollar bills, one-dollar bills, silver dollars, random change, and even pesos and put them inside balloons. I put the balloons inside a large box and wrapped the box. Inside her card I put a pin… she looked so confused when opening her card. She asked me if it was for quilting and if there was a quilt in the box. After opening the box she realized what that pin was for. She really liked the surprise and the gift. She started laughing when she found the balloon of pesos. 
The tissue pom-pom came from this site:
On Sunday I made my Mom's Oatmeal Cookies

I love this recipe because the cookies come out moist and delicious every time. I DO NOT like crunchy cookies they are my pet peeve. When I make this recipe I split the dough in half. This time I did butterscotch chips in one half and dried blueberries and white chocolate chips in the other half. 

Julian is still not napping unless being held so while I baked he was in the Ergo. After sampling my cookies he ended up having lots of crumbs in his hair. I feel bad because I always get food on him but then I think if he would sleep in his bed or anywhere else he would not get food on him... 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dapper - Adjective

Today was a little bit better. Julian napped in the stroller at Stroller Strides in the morning. In the afternoon when it was nap time I put him down in his crib while he was fully asleep, 5 minuets later he woke up screaming. I rocked him back to sleep and tried to lay him in his crib again, in less than 5 minuets he woke up screaming. I soothed him and got him back to sleep, this time I tried the bouncer... not even 2 minuets later he was up and pissed off! So I put him in the Ergo and that is where he slept for the next two and a half hours. While he slept I crafted. Todays project was baby boy bow ties. Every little boy needs to look dapper (Dapper - Adjective: (typically of a man) Neat and trim in dress, appearance, or bearing)
I had loaned my cousin some clothes a while back. She returned them to me yesterday while visiting us, inside the bag of clothes I found the following book, Go the Fuck to Sleep. It is so fitting for what I am going through. I read it to Julian and Abdiel listened to me from the other room. Abdiel made the comment "I don't think you should read that to him when he gets older." This book came at the perfect time. It had me LOL'ing! This is a AMAZING new parent book.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Glass half full

I started writing this blog today in an upset and negative tone. The last three days have been really tough. But I am going to change my mood to be… “the glass is half full” so, instead this is a thank you to my mom, cousin, and friends who are moms. Just when I think I cannot take it, you have had the most encouraging things to tell me. You reassure me that this is normal and things will be okay. Julian is going though his no napping phase again and when he does fall asleep he wakes up 10-15 minuets later screaming his head off. I swear he doesn’t like me or is punishing me. Nothing seems to sooth him but being held. And to top it off he had his first tear which made me tear… we are all so emotional at my house.

My cousin came over today to save the day. She gave me a much-needed break so I could have some alone time a.k.a non-screaming baby time. She made me leave the house so I decided to go to Target. While at Target I invested in new bottles/nipples and pacifiers. We need to find ones that work so maybe he will stop screaming at me. My cousin is such a great support system. When shopping at Target she texted me a photo of Julian, she always knows the right things to say and do to make me feel better. I love knowing that he is in great hands when he is with her.
 I know things will get better and that this is only a phase… I have so much to be grateful for but man am I burnt out! Tomorrow is a new day so lets hope he gets some good rest, wakes up refreshed, and not cranky! I know I feel much better after writing this and eating a whole row of Mint Crème Middles… yum! 

Costume update: Sean's good vs. evil costume. If you look closely he has a devil horn on one side and a angel wing on the other side.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Crazy Obsession

The other night while watching My Crazy Obsession on TLC, my husband said that he was going to refer me to be on the show. He thinks that I have a crafting obsession. I don’t think of it as an obsession but more as a hobby. A hobby I think about, dream about, and yes obsess about! Here are my current finished projects.
This is what happens when you do not watch your food in the microwave because you are crafting. But if you put a bowl of vinegar inside for 5 minuets it cleans it right up.
Julian's Easter Basket 
Julian's Baby Keepsakes