Friday, August 2, 2013

18 Miles... Oh My!

Today was the day. I was going to run 18 miles. I could not sleep last night, I had horrible anxiety. I had trouble relaxing, I kept getting up to pee. I was worried. The time was changing. I was loosing sleep, sleep that I needed. Would I be able to do it? Running 16 miles was horrible, how was I going to run two more then that?
We meet 6:30 am. Got out of our cars. We were more quiet than normal. We packed on our gear and then hit the pavement. Finally, Sarah broke the silence with saying she was having anxiety too... thank goodness! I was freaking out on the inside! We talked through it. We could do this. We agreed not to talk about the mileage until we were half way. Things were going good. We came across a bicycle race that was in town. Which was fun to watch the bicyclers getting ready. We crossed their start line. We were doing a new route, and I had planned it. Around mile 3-4 our road dead ended because of construction (ummm.... you think mapmyrun or runkeeper would know this) so we decided to keep going. We would just run in the dirt. But it rained this week and it was not dirt, it was serious thick mud. I almost lost my shoe. I tired to see if we could have crossed this path but there was no way possible. We had to re-route. My feet were covered in mud. 

We ran on... and on. And I came home to smooshy face on the window :-)

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